Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2015

Computer History

Computers are tools used to process the data according to the commands that have been formulated. Computer word originally used to describe people who perkerjaannya perform arithmetic calculations, with or without hearing aids, but the meaning of the word is then transferred to the machine itself. Origins, processing information almost exclusively related to arithmetical problems, but modern computers are used for many tasks unrelated to mathematics.

Broadly, the computer can be defined as an electronic device that consists of several components, which can work together between the components with one another to produce an information based programs and data. The computer components are included: Screen Monitor, CPU, keyboard, mouse and printer (as a complement). Without a computer printer can still do its job as a data processor, but not limited to visible screen monitor in print form (paper).

In such a definition is a tool such as slide rules, mechanical calculators types ranging from abacus and so on, until all the contemporary electronic computers. The term better suited to a broad sense such as "computer" is "that process information" or "information processing systems."

Today, computers are increasingly sophisticated. However, before the computer is not small, sophisticated, cool and light as now. In the history of computers, there are five generations in the history of computers.
  • The first generation computer
komputer generasi pertama
The first generation of computers is the ENIAC, which was the world's first electronic computer that has a weight weighing 30 tons, length 30 M and 2.4 M and require high electrical power 174 kilowatts. This first generation computers using vacuum tubes (vacuum-tube) glass for a signal amplifier. But it still has many obstacles such as: easy to break, and quickly distribute the heat.The historical development of the computer is the first generation to have the following characteristics:

  1.     At this generai computer is still a lot of heat.
  2.     Elektronikanya use components made of Vacuum Tubes (Vacuum Tube).
  3.     The program is made in machine language (Machine Language), whose program is stored in computer memory.
  4.     Utuk mengoprasikannya also require considerable electrical force.
  5.     Capacity provided for penyimpannan data is very small and limited.
  6.     The program is still using machine language using codes 0 and 1 in a certain order.
  7.     The process is relatively slow.
  8.     Has a size or shape that is so great that it needs a room wide enough only to put this computer.
  9.     The main orientation in business applications.
  10.     Use outside the system of magnetic tape and magnetic disk.

  • Second generation computer
komputer generasi kedua

The historical development of the second generation born in the 1960s, the invention of the transistor sanggat are affecting the development of the computer at the time. Dapatb transistor replaced the vacuum tubes. And it is certainly altering all sizes of electrical machines. The transistor used in computers around the 1956's. Another invention is the development of magnetic-core memory to help the development of second generation computers smaller, faster, more reliable, and more energy efficient than the computer generation computer pertama.Perkembangan This second generation has the following characteristics:
    1. Programs can be created with high-level languages ​​(high level language), such as FORTRAN, COBOL, ALGOL.
    2.     The capacity of the main memory is already quite large
    3.     Sirkutinya is a transistor.
    4.     The physical size of the computer smaller than the first generation computer
    5.     Does not require too much electricity
    6.     oriented business and engineering
    7.     Operation process has been fast
    • Third Generation Computers
    komputer generasi ketiga

    The third generation of computers is a very rapid development of the development of the existing computer. The third generation of computers appeared since the 1965-1971's. The transistor is considered inefficient longer makes scientists look for other alternatives and later found on a stone quartz (Quartz rock). Jack Kilby, an engineer at Texas Instruments, developed the integrated circuit (IC: integrated circuit) in 1958. This is an innovation that could boost the emergence of third generation computers.

    • Fourth generation computer

     Komputer Generasi keempat

    Once the IC is found, the more rapid development of computer and clear. In 1971 chip INTEL 4004 brought major advances in the world of IC, Intel managed to incorporate all the components within a computer (central processing unit, memory, and control input / output) into a single chip is very small, if previously used IC to perform a specific job Just then during this period the microprocessor can be produced and programmed to run all the needs that diinginkan.Perkembangan Fourth generation computers have the following characteristics:
      1. Developed microcomputer that utilizes a micro processor and semiconductor in the form of chips for computer memory.
      2.     In this generation computers are already cursing Large Scale Integration (LSI)

      • Fifth Generation Computer
      Komputer Generasi Kelima

      Historical development of fifth generation computers are computers that we use today where this generation is characterized by the emergence: LSI (Large Scale Integration) which is the solidification of thousands microprocessor into a microprocesor. In addition, it is also marked by the advent of the microprocessor and semi-conductor. Companies that make the micro-processor include: Intel Corporation, Motorola, Zilog and others. In the market we can see the microprocessor from Intel with models 4004, 8088, 80286, 80386, 80486, and Pentium. Pentium-4 is the latest production from Intel Corporation that is expected to cover all the weaknesses that exist in previous products, in addition, the ability and speed of the Pentium-4 also increased to 2 GHz. The images that appear to be smoother and sharper, in addition to the speed of processing, sending or receiving pictures also becomes faster.

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